Hello World in jekyll

This is first post on my blog. As usual for “hello world” tutorial this post is about creating a new post in jekyll.

How to add a new post to jekyll blog?

1. Create new file in _posts folder.

File must be named in the following format: YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.md

2. Open created file, add heading

layout:     post
title:      Hello World
date:       2017-08-16 10:00:00
summary:    Short summary to display on the first page.
categories: blog

3. Write post in markdown

# Hello world heading ...

... and a hello world paragraph :)

4. Push to github

  1. add new file to git git add _post/{filename}
  2. create commit git commit -m "add Hello World post"
  3. push commit to github git push origin master

5. Finished :)